Ordinal image asset
The Horizon
Ordinal image asset
Oscillations - MDV
Ordinal image asset
Ordinal image asset
Ordinal image asset
Prints are Gamma's fresh take on editions, enabling partner artists to create low-cost, recursive editions from a single high-resolution original.
Ordinal image asset
Ordinal image asset
The Horizon
The Horizon is an algorithm written in 29,355 characters of pure JavaScript, without libraries or dependencies.
Ordinal image asset
Oscillations - MDV
The FIRST EVER sattribute-aware collection! Using 7 unique 3D generative art engines, the inscription will detect which kind of sat it's inscribed on to determine which engine to use.
Ordinal image asset
The constant conversation between worlds in evolving states.
Ordinal image asset
A collection that blends the stencil technique, that traditionally can be seen in street art, with a digital finish.
Create your digital legacy on Bitcoin
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Create without complexity
Create without complexity
Our seamless user interface and no-code NFT launchpad allow artists to create, manage, and sell their digital artwork in just a few steps.
With Gamma, creators can focus on what they do best: creating high quality art and etch their mark in the art world.
Earn and grow
Earn and grow
Gamma strives to be the best NFT platform for artists. We provide powerful tools and services so web3 artists and NFT designers can make money.
From auctioning their Bitcoin NFTs to earning royalties when their inscription sells on the secondary marketplace, creatives are covered.
Preserve your legacy
Preserve your legacy
Bitcoin NFTs ensure creators’ artistic contributions live on for generations to come on the most secure blockchain.
Whether you’re a digital artist, musician or writer, it’s time to secure your digital legacy with Bitcoin Ordinals.
We're here to help
We're here to help
At Gamma, we support creators every step of the way.
We want your Ordinals NFT journey to be fulfilling, so reach out to us with any questions and feedback!
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