Print description
“Mycelioid 45” is the 7th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.
“Mycelioid 45” draws inspiration from geometrical design, with all particle traces calculated and rounded to 45-degree angles. At the center of the canvas, a deflector adjusts its size based on the current average Bitcoin blockchain fees. When fees are low, the deflector remains small, but it can expand to fill the entire canvas at 1000 sats/vB.
“Mycelioid 45” also reflects Bitcoin’s ongoing development. The initial setup is determined by each mined block. A temporary spike in particle movement speed signals the arrival of the new block.
The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.
For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.
Tech specs:
— infinite algorithmic animation
— HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
— 7 777 B
— Original inscribed on a JPEG sat 152060460695094
Meet the artist
Digital & algorithmic artist. Virtual and physical space explorer.
3D printing enthusiast. Art Ph.D.
Inscribing since 151,214.
Primary sale info
May 27, 2024
64 offered
Aug 12, 2024